The Villa de Paz Conservation and Preservation Society has formed to solve the issues facing our community.
We have natural and protected wildlife within our borders. We have endangered species. We have an assortment of free animals from coyotes, ducks, geese, eagles, roadrunners, burro owls, vultures, turtles, and more...
On the domestic front, Villa de Paz has the unfortunate statistic of being a feline and canine dump site. Pets are set loose in our community for us to take care of... and at our expense. Pregnant and injured animals seek shelter in Villa de Paz.
Since 1979, Villa de Paz has been West Phoenix's Premier Golf Community. We were annexed by the City of Phoenix in 1995. Our private community has 11 more years until we reach historic status.
We have many residents who would like to safeguard our future by protecting our natural and historical resources.
That is the foundation of the VDP Conservation and Preservation Society.
We hope you become apart of our community.
Thank you.
Thank you.